Converting ChEMBL to sequence

This page gives you access to a subset of ChEMBL that has been converted to Protein Line Notation. A total of 27142 structures out of 39123 "peptide-like" structures have been successfully converted. More details on the conversion process can be found beneath the structure table.

ChEMBL ID contains
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20 randomly selected converted structures

ChEMBL IDChEMBL structureConverted sequence imageProteax PLN (Protein Line Notation)
CHEMBL2371190[NTerm_1357]-P[Res_2386]PV-[NH2] name=CHEMBL2371190
CHEMBL455780H-{d}[Res_733]{d}[Res_733]{d}[Res_733]{d}[Res_733]-OH name=CHEMBL455780
CHEMBL576307(cyclo)-PSRNYIPSRNYI-(cyclo) name=CHEMBL576307
CHEMBL478695[acetyl]-IETD-[Unknown_terminal_1] name=CHEMBL478695 inline-mod=C-terminal,[Unknown_terminal_1],H1,QkNGTRECAR/TIADm/TIAn4giAOb9MgEAARhSAgABGg==
CHEMBL411764H-[Res_1340][Res_1788][Res_1343]S[Res_1384][Res_207]LR{d}P[Res_1501]-OH name=CHEMBL411764
CHEMBL324219[NTerm_579]-W[Res_2433]D{d}[Res_733]-[NH2] name=CHEMBL324219
CHEMBL1834394[NTerm_1499]-SYS[Nle]EH{d}FRWGKPV-[NH2] name=CHEMBL1834394
CHEMBL571997H-MNLNI-OH name=CHEMBL571997
CHEMBL412751[NTerm_464]-[Res_625]S{d}[Res_44][Res_324]L[Res_2151]{d}P-[NH2] name=CHEMBL412751
CHEMBL1093097[NTerm_820]-{d}L{d}L{d}L-[Unknown_terminal_1] name=CHEMBL1093097 inline-mod=C-terminal,[Unknown_terminal_1],H1,QkNGTRECAc9GLQCR/j4AT/wuAJH+PgEAARhSAgABGg==
CHEMBL439706[acetyl]-IC(1)V[Res_300]Q{d}DWGA{d}HRC(1)T-[NH2] name=CHEMBL439706
CHEMBL469115[NTerm_1598]-[Res_2808]AD-[CTerm_1090] name=CHEMBL469115
CHEMBL276496(cyclo)-[Res_1479]SG[Res_2310][Res_1212][Res_1723]-(cyclo) name=CHEMBL276496
CHEMBL337502H-A{d}[Res_2141]LLR-[NH2] name=CHEMBL337502
CHEMBL1075709[NTerm_801]-TFQ-[CTerm_716] name=CHEMBL1075709
CHEMBL406047[NTerm_836]-[Res_1354][Res_1966][Res_1514]-OH name=CHEMBL406047
CHEMBL173719H-SNV-[CTerm_663] name=CHEMBL173719
CHEMBL1076068[NTerm_175]-YYY-[CTerm_623] name=CHEMBL1076068

Conversion process

All structures in the ChEMBL 19 database were downloaded as an SD file and, with the help of KNIME, probable "peptide-like" structures were identified. The "peptide-like" structures were defined as those containing a substructure of three connected glysines. This yielded a "peptide-like" subset of 39123 structures.

The peptide subset was loaded into a PostgreSQL database table and the Biochemfusion Proteax cartridge was used to convert structures, when possible, to sequences. The first conversion took 87 seconds and produced 27142 converted sequences.

You can download the full set of produced sequences (TAB-separated file with ChEMBL ID + PLN, ~11MB).

All found unknown residues and terminal structures were embedded as inline structures in the first round of produced PLN. The embedded structures were then de-duplicated and extracted. You can download the structure sets in gzip-ed SD file format from here:

143 of the unknown residue structures have been assigned well-defined names by NextMove Software's great Sugar & Splice tool (press the "Biologics" button). Many thanks to Roger Sayle at NextMove Software for processing this subset of residues with Sugar & Splice.

NextMove's residue names can be applied to a Proteax modification database (where the above SD files have been imported) by the following SQL script:

The currently produced PLN has been generated after all the above data has been loaded into Proteax's database of known structures. As you will see, most of the non-natural residues and terminals have auto-generated names based on sequential numbers.